Anyone else miss audiophile nervosa?

It's been a good long while since I've felt the need to try and improve something on my system, and as I sit here listening to Dire Straights 'Brothers in Arms', I can't forsee that changing.
Problem is, I really miss the thrill of the hunt. Anybody else have similar experience?
So- When one has "ameliorated the problems" and tuned/tweaked their system to play 'Brothers In Arms' in an acceptable manner, what happens when albums that are well recorded are played on that system?
I do remember the day when virtually every hi-end stereo shop and every room at every show used that disc as a demo disc. It'd usually be there along with Jazz at the Pawnshop. Oh how I'd rather forget! I really never wanted my MTV anyway!

I've held onto the same amps for almost ten years now. I haven't been able to shake the nervosa during that time though, as I've strayed, but never fallen. I don't particularly like the feeling myself. I much prefer the feeling you must be having in listening to BIA on your system and feeling very satisfied with how it sounds. That's far more appealing to me, though I'd choose different music ;-) I'd much rather forget the gear and enjoy the music. Keep it up and stay in the 12-step program.

I dont miss the hunt when I realize I was chasing my own room limitations and trying to find a proper bandaid for Cancer, moving into a dedicated room put that to rest. I am at a point where things are not perfect but I understand what I can do and what I cant with funds limited and I try to just enjoy material. I have worked very closely as my dads consultant during a $75,000 upgrade and its been a blast so I must be on the right track if I can enjoy helping and watching anothers system improve without going insane about my own system. Sure I dream of upgrades to mine, read the rags and forums, scan for deals in a daydream mode but at the end of the day I am pretty happy and lucky to have what I do.
Brothers in Arms will do that sometimes,best to stick to On any Street or Communique for complete contentment..Even better was back in 89-90??,not sure..anyway he was touring with Clapton and they would jam at the end of the show...pretty cool....hard to upgrade that sound...maybe use some Mesa Boogie stuff....?????