Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL?

Has anyone had the pleasure, listening for extended periods to any of the MBL speakers? If so, how many hours, which speakers & what electronics were driving them? Speaker wires, interconnects? Your thoughts & how engaging did you find them? Thanks.
Beautiful response & sorry for taking so long to get back. I heard MBL's at the CAF back in 2016. Pierre Spey of Mapleshade Audio was showing them. Can't confirm the model of MBL & they were paired with other speakers.  Do remember the MBL's being driven by tube amps & the realism was definitely there for 3D imaging & proper timbre, which blew me away. Unfortunately, that venue was at the Silver Spring Hilton & the vendors didn't have the best rooms to show in (size & people roaming) plus most rooms were hot & this room was one  of the most unbearable. But the MBL's shined & left a permanent impact on me as no other speaker (None out of many shows) has ever done. I was a musician many years back & felt as if I was in a studio, being in the presence of MBL's.
prof: the only ones I could reach for would be the 120RC's. Wishful thinking that I could possibly own the 101's. I admire avsjerry's friend, going for the DIY approach. How did they ever turn out?
AVSJerry, ever get the chance to hear your friend's generic Radialstrahlers?
I am using full MBL ref line, except the DAC and speaker. from my childhood i grown up with front firing speaker. though i choose mbl after impressed by MBL 121 speaker. BUT my experience with 101, 111f lead me to ditch their speaker line. Now i am driving 9008A with Gryphon Pantheon, bit bass heavy but focusing detail and timber is good for my taste than MBL radial speakers. my cables are Siltech Royal Sig. except the speaker cable is VALHALLA. i found Siltech Prince is not good enough with MBL- Gryphon combo. transparent does good job but the choking feeling you cant hide, yet best Soun-staging produced by Transparent cables. if you like transparent then you r saved but i wish i know Nordot before, than all my cables would be Nordost. however the SILTECH IC, DIGITAL cables and AC power cords are good compare with NORDOST valhalla line. BUT Speaker cable is where SILTECH IS killed brutally in the hand of VALHALLA ( yup i am talking about valhalla 1, i dare not to try V2).