Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?

Does anyone own or heard this speaker? If so, please give me your impressions.

Also, what are the sonic benefits (if any) in a high efficency speaker over regular efficency?

Hi Tickfight,

I heard the VR SR at the THE Show in Vegas (same show I heard the DB99s at, but in different rooms and on different electronics)...

My take was I came off very unimpressed (and I loved the DB-99s, and many other VS speakers I heard while there).

I can't really put my finger on any one area where I felt the VR SRs were seriously lacking, but unlike in the room with the DB-99s where I just wanted to listen to them forever... In the VR SR room, I felt completely uninvolved with the sound, and wanted to move on to the next room rather quickly. Just very flat lifeless sound in my opinion...

To be fair, it could have been the room or the electronics... but those are just some initial impressions from someone who has heard both speakers on the same day... Based on what I heard that day, the DB99s are the *far* superior speakers...

"I can't really put my finger on any one area where I felt the VR SRs were seriously lacking..."


which day did you stop in to listen to the 4 Sr? my understanding is that it took a few days of trial and error to get the speakers to sound right in the room they were in.
I heard that too... But in my case, it was on the last full day of THE Show (it was also the day CES wrapped up). VS did have some problems with the CD player when I was in the room though (sorry, I did not catch the brand)... From what I heard, most people felt that by the time I listened to them, they were indeed setup the way VS wanted...

i believe they used an Oracle CD player in that room...i know Albert mentioned that he still wasn't pleased with the sound at the end, but it was the best they could do given the limitations of the room.
This may be a good point overall. I wonder if the DB-99's were put in the room where the VR 4 SR's were and the same CD player used if they would have sounded as uninspiring as the VR 4 JR's did? Which is to say that the DB-99's could be viewed as more versitile as they have bass management and perhapse easier regarding image placement. Just a thought.