Anyone tried the Benchmark

If you go to Benchmark's website they have a suggested complete system for computer server based music which consists of the DAC-1 fed into a pair of Dynaudio BM5A powered monitors and with a pair of Senn HD650 headphones for private listening.

I'm in the process of revamping my entire system. I'm coming from a CD source and tube integrated amp into floor standing speakers. I just can't listen to my old system like I used to and probably need a desktop system with headphone option. Benchmark's suggested system sounds like it might be perfect for my needs, but it's just so different from what I am used to.

Can anyone here recommend this combo (DAC-1 + BM5A/HD650)? Or maybe you have alternate suggestion(s)?

Enough people seem to love the HD650s that I'm willing to bet that I will like them, too, especially since I have never owned a high-end pair of headphones.

I believe Benchmark offers a 30 day trial period, so as long as I can burn the equipment in well at the outset I should have more than ample time to figure out if it's for me, or if I need to keep saving my pennies for a Cary rig.
BTW, one more thing FWIW: Wes Phillips in Stereophile used the Benchmark DAC1 as his DAC/headphone amp in his review a few months back of one of the expensive headphones - could have been the Sennheiser 800.
I have a Benchmark Dac1 (non-usb) with the HD 650's. I primarilly use the Benchmark with my Squeezebox. The Benchmark, in my system, on very good recordings, sounds very, very good. It is not thin, bright or analytical. I also have an Esoteric X03SE, which has caused me months of pondering a new DAC because the $950 benchmrk does not sound as good to me as the $8,500 Esoteric, BUT, I must say, the Benchmark has no business sounding as good as it does for the money it costs. I did upgrade the fuse, have great interconnects and power cord, which, I believe, makes a difference because I have never felt it thin, bright or analytical, as quite a few posters have. I do believe that is just the revealing nature of the DAC. It does sound great with the headphones as well-very well, actually. Very realistic soundstage, dynamic, lots and lots of detail.
Thanks for the positive review, Cerrot. I have pretty much decided to give this system a go. If it's not for me I can always return it and go with a tube set-up of some kind. I envision keeping the HD650s regardless. I put my CD player up for sale in the classifieds today and will likely put my tube amp and speakers up tonight. I hate to see my old system go, but I have not been able to listen to it properly in several years and recently had to box it up because my former listening room is now a play room for my 2 year old daughter. The Benchmark/Dynaudio/HD650 rig will at least give me the opportunity to listen to my music collection again.