Anything better than Vandersteen 3A sig for the $

Looking to upgrade speakers. Will be powered with VTL MB 450 in a large 15x35 room. Only placement option is on the long wall.

Magnepan 3.6R, which I loved. Gallo Ref3 as well. Great speakers all. Maggies 3.6's are some of the best speakers at any price.
VMPS RM 30's will blow the Vandersteen's out of the water. Go to at the VMPS forum for any info. Rave reviews galore and killer bang for the buck. I've owned Vandersteen's as well as my brother and a friend. We all own VMPS speakers and it's not contest. Vandersteen's just can't quite get "there" but do sound very good. They omit sins of omission as the reviewers say but they omit too much.
Have you listened to the Vandersteens? I agree with Warner, and would add they sound sluggish and can be easily bettered for that money or less.
That's a big room. I think you will need one or two Vandersteens subs to have a realistic foundation to the music.
I'm not a big fan but the Vandersteen price performance is hard to beat. I recommend good solidstate as opposed to tubes for these speakers. To my ears, they sound veiled with even good tube amplification.

Good luck,
