Apogee vs Soundlab

Which speaker is better: Apogee or Soundlab and why? Which is superior technically speaking: fullrange ribbon or fullrange electrostatic speaker and why?
Disclaimer: It is not my intention to start a fullrange ribbon vs fullrange electrostatic war. I just want to hear your opinions.

Jafox: Thanks for the feedback;the brillance rheostat replacement is a mod I may try;again thank you.
Why do I hear a rather sharp and grainy treble through the A-1's? Is it an amplifier/speaker interaction thing? I'm asking this question because... I've never heard the A-1 with optimal set up, with other words with power amplifier that match very well with these speakers. Tell me how the Soundlab sounds with the appropriate poweramp? Does it sound sharp and grainy?

I does neither with the Atmas nor with the Zandens, which with their 60 watts drove these speakers extremely well. Must be further up the chain.
Chris, it would help if you would share what systems/amplifiers were paired with the A1's you heard that made you walk away with your "rather sharp and grainy treble" observations.
Jafox: MBL 1621 CD-transport - KCI Falcon S/PDIF interconnect - Goldmund Mimesis 10C+ D/A-converter - CAT Signature Mk III preamp - Gruensch CSE II se power amplifier - Cardas Golden Cross speaker cable - Soundlab A-1's.
