Aquariums and Audio Equipment

I'm dying to shift my audio equipment closer to one one side and center a 80 gallon reef aquarium between my revel studios. However, I'm getting nervous about the potential problems this may present (flourescent bulbs, potentially noisy pumps, caustic salt water, bubbling of jets, etc). Anyone have experience with mixing aquariums with audio equipment?
I was going to make a joke about making sure the fish were in the sweet spot, but this thread has turned serious. I assume fish don't have ears and somehow the vibration is scaring the sh*t out of them. They probably feel kinda like an achovy about to be attacked by a killer whale. I never liked anchovies, but feel kinda sorry for the rest of the little finned guys. I'm a tad of a hunter so no animal rights stuff here, but makes you hope that you don't come back as an audiophile's pet fish.
What a fascinating thread, and I thought having six cats was time consuming. At least fish don't leave hairballs on the sofa. Then again cats probably reduce the room brightness, and absorb stray sound.
Obviously a quiet pump and a sump-less set-up is required, which probably rules out a salt water set-up. A fresh water aquarium w/ eclipse mount on top filters would probably be better, but how to defeat the imaging issue created by a 3-4' long glass/acrylic tank in the middle of the speakers?

In the end, I'm guessing that its fairly impossible, unless I knock a hole in the wall and mount everything on the other side of the wall - which in my condo, happens to be my neighbor's living room...
I had a 90 gallon African Cichlid tank in my room until recently. I used a big Hagen canister filter and it was very very quiet. So quiet, that from my chair I couldn't hear it at all. I think you should go for it, especially if you can put the plumbing in a basement... The fish never seemed to notice the music at all.
As more a fish phile then audio so guy's left out the idea of an all natural tank using live mud sitting on platic egg crates for the natural way to break down nitrates. And then put any powerheads on a timer or shut them off when your listening.Or any of the Eheim/Fluval type filters are dead quiet. But for me I keep my two hobby's separate. I do believe that the unnatural vibration the music produces is stressful to them.