Are more expensive speakers better?

Recently, I found out an interesting thing while reviewing audiogon threads. Many people were not satisfied with their current speakers and were trying to "upgrade" their system, seeking other people's opinions/advices/recommendations. And most people used the phrases like "best bang for the buck" or "at that price range". Does that mean more expentive speakers are better?
Pctower; thanks, I really appreciate your comments re the V5s. And I agree in that I'm sure the V5s will be my last speaker too. Cfb thanks for comments re Demacho's remarks--I agree with both your comments re Avalon speakers in that I admire them too, and seriously considered the Circe', but I have a very good relationship with my local Vandy dealer, and of course really like the V5s. Cheers. Craig
Hi there. I have now an upgrade kit for my previous post. The parts are the following: " " . Please insert one before the expression mid-fi and one after the expression mid-fi. Please make sure that the polarity of these sensitive semi-passive lexicographic components is respected. These, along with a number of yet to be released upgrades from our R&D Dept., should reduce considerably the static generated and produce a better focused image of my thoughts.
A Third World Economy that the general population is to stupid to see.
Great post Pbb
Usually, but not always. The post should read ... bigger and expensive speakers better? For one major reason; they create life-like sound and images: tonal, timber, size, space, dynamics and more ( you can't describe it other than say that you're there or they are here feeling) Untill you have heard them with right electronics and set-up, you think, they probably sound similar to '"your budget speakers" or may be tad better. But THE lifelike BIGNESS SCALE they create is what you pay for. There are some exceptions of course in 10k-30k range bargain speakers, that compete with thoes mega bucks Wilson, Grand Utopia or Pipe dreams. THEY all create big lifelike scale in all three directions. I think thats my point.