Are there any other EAR 834P modders lately?

I had to beg David Schulte of Upgrade Company to mod my EAR 834P because there are so many detractors. There are also loads of DIY people who have tweaked the circuit in custom ways. The changes I had made include V-cap coupling caps and RFI shileding. Switching from using the 12AX7 tubes to 5751 or 12AT7 tubes if you can handle the lower gain also is highly beneficial. I use Valvo 6201 blue print in the one spot, Brimar and Siemen Halske 12AT7's in the gain stages 2 & 3. 2 is not left and 3 is not right- it sums the tubes for the gain stage left and right. My results are stunning. Because the 12AT7's only have 70% of the gain or the 12AX7, I changed out my Bent Audio step up tranny's for Bob's Devices Cinemag 1131 with a 1:40 or 1:20, ratio which is adjusted at the flip of a toggle switch.
If anyone wants to know, I am using VPI gear that I modded very much, along with Air Tight PC-1 and my prized Colibri XPW (platinum coils) that I got with about 3 hours on it and it is just breaking in now. There are so many posts that this phono stage cannot be SOTA,even with mods, but I do not agree. It is not that great with standard tubes as a stock unit, but becomes a monster if tweaked properly!
Still talking by myself, but someone may find the info useful. I got a pair of 1970's Sylvania Gold brand 6201 gold pins and a pair of GE 5751 with the clipped getters from early 1950's from Mel (pharmacology PhD who is also expert on tubes) on here. After rolling I still like Volvo 6201 blue print best in V1, but have moved one Sylvania and one GE 5751 into the gain stages V2 and V3. Sylvania was close 2nd and GE close 3rd for best in the imput stage V1. The 5751 has the added warmth in the mids that worked well in my bright tri-amped system (class A SET OTL Transcendent monoblocks driving Ahh horns and Fostex super tweeters).
Zenbret, I too am a fan of this phono stage, and have had it modified by Mitch Singerman with outstanding results. Additional tweaks that I have found to be very effective are the use of BDR cones underneath, and use of the unit without it's cover and weight placed on top for dampening. I use lead bars covered in black cloth tape. Lastly, particularly if your unit is an older one where the circuit board is not attached all the way around it's periphery, the use of small sorbothane squares directly underneath the board for extra support and dampening also helps.

Have you tried a good MM cartridge yet? The EAR really shows it's
potential with it's MM stage (no SUT's). I never imagined that a MM would best my VDH Grasshopper, but an Acutex 420 STR, or Empire 4000D do exactly that. Not necessarily that the MM's are superior to the VDH in absolute terms, but that the EAR minus SUT's is superior.

I am not a proponent of the idea that 5751's as a family or 6201's, or whatever are superior to 12ax7's. It depends on the particular 5751 or 6201. For me, in my system, nothing has yet to beat good Telefunken smooth plate 12ax7's, and biggest surprise of all (and I have tried them all) Raytheon black plate 7025's. Check them out, you'll like them.