Are there used/mint balanced pre-amp with a few unblanced inputs under $2000??

Need recommendations for a used balanced pre-amp with approximately 3 balanced input  One for a CD player and another  for hooking up a fully balanced amp.  And, possibly, one additional balanced input  I don't need a processor HT loop, nor DAC input and output. I do need a remote, and a very good headphone feature would be great  Phone box or stage could be added. 

Unfortunately, many balanced or mixed balanced and unbalanced pre-amps or line stages offer multiple balanced inputs, and also  several RCA inputs and outputs

They usually lack remote, phone stage and headphone features.  The back of some look like a recording console and the front, a cuckoo clock.    Not for me!!.

I prefer simple and usable  features,  but outstanding sound quality. I have a BAT VK200 amp

I am NOT hopeful such a component is available. However, I have looked at the Copland CT305, Cary SLP202, and a few of the BAT pre-amps in a cursory search     Thank you  



dpjohnson54,  Thanks,  Yes I saw the ad.  Take a look at the photo of the inside??  I think the insides look somewhat yellowish and aging. However,  It does have a remote, but no phono.  .

Nevertheless, I am also considering CJ  ET3 that was  recently listed on AG,  and includes an extra set of tubes, but only a remote. However,  it  has all RCA connections. A few reviews claim the SE version sounds better. I waiting to here from CJ what those upgrades cost. Knowing CJ's tendency to inflate pricing, I am sure the upgrades will be out of my financial reach. It also has no phono. 

*****BTW, the ET3 spec sheet claims a 25 db gain. Does that mean it will be loud even at the lowest volume setting, possibly the consequence of  connecting it up to the BAT VK-200 amp, and also result in wide swings in volume using the remote control??   Thanks to all. .  

@sunnyjim Sorry, I forgot about the requirement for phono.  The last one went so fast I wanted to alert you before this one went too.  The yellowish cast could be the result of the lighting - the photography skills of many sellers are not the best (certainly not up to Albert Porter's standards!) - but this preamp would be several years old at this point.  A quick internet search didn't reveal the gain for the VK-31SE, which should be a match for your VK-200 and could be used for comparison, so I can't comment on the ET3.  Dick

To djohnson54. Thank you for the reply and info.  A new BAT candidate is in the race, the VK-20r pre-amp listed on AG.  I have found only one review on it.

Therefore, do you ( or anyone) know where it might stand in the BAT pecking order of pre-amps??  It has both a remote and phono stage, but the seller does not know if it is MM or MC, though the former owner used a Transcendence Axiss low output moving coil.  

So if anyone has personal knowledge of the VK-20r pre-amp's performance and sound quality, please let me know.   Thank you. 

@sunnyjim Not sure about the pecking order but (and you may know this already) the VK-20/40 series are BAT's solid state preamps.  That said, the VK-20 is probably in the same performance range as the VK-3i/VK-30 although I've never heard the VK-20.  The only thing I could find on the BAT phono cards comes from a review of the VK-3iX so take this with a grain of salt - "Options for the VK-3iX include a solid-state phono preamplifier that is factory set for moving magnet (MM) or moving coil (MC) phono cartridges."


To Mr. Johnson.   Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, the dealer who had  the VK20r on consignment sold it.  His first deal fell through a few days ago.   However,  it is good to know about the BAT phono stage should I find a similar BAT pre-amp

As you know, the VK-31SE on Audiogon  sells for $2100, whereas the VK-20r was $1495.00, and had both phono and remote which added to its value.for me.

I am sure the VK-31 SE is up there with BAT's best pre-amps. I have read all the reviews on both version of the VK-31. The seller is open to a lower offer, but I am not sure of spending between $1800-$2100 for the piece.  I  would still need to buy a  outboard phono box or stage at least equal to the one in Rogue Sphinx integrated which is very good..  

BTW,  A  member also recommended the Rogue "Athena" tube  pre-amp which is fully balanced. I will check it out on their website and see what is available    I 'll keep you posted.