Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?

I'm considering The VR-2s as a replacement for my Totem Arros. I listen to a lot of electronic music, Oakenfold and the like. I've read good reviews on these and they fit my budget at $2,500. I'm not willing to spend 2 or 3 times more. Problem is, I would have to travel to audition them.
Does anybody out there who owns these listen to my kind of music? Or do you have any thoughts on whether or not I'd be wasting my time? I'm looking for a speaker with excellent overall presentation, including nice tight and clean bass response, but not bass heavy. For obvious size limitations, the Arros just didn't cut it.
Yes Its worth it,I spend three hours listening
to my friend house although I only plan to
stay for 30 minutes,very transparent,musical,
bass is maybe what you are looking for.
I'll probably get some nasty comments, but I would purchase any Von Schweikert speaker that fit my budget - even without having first auditioned them. I think the VS speakers are that good.

I would also consider a used pair of Aerial Acoustics 7b's that normally sell for around the same price as a new pr of the Vr2's.

I listen to mostly Classic Rock.
Having owned Aerial 7B's, and with due respect for Sedona's opinion of
them, I'd go with the Von Schweikert's. The VS's have a sweetness in the
treble that the Aerial's do not. I found the Aerial's to be a tad strident
and lacking in bass. I now own Von Schweikert VR4 SE's, and granted
they go deeper than the VR2's, but based on the musicality of these
speakers, and reviews of the VR2's I've read, I'd recommend the VR2's
over the Aerials.
I have been breaking in a pair of VR2s since just before Thanksgiving. I am going to begin concentrated critical listening today or tomorrow. So far, from casual listening, they are fantastic. I thought they blew away a pair of Maggies I listen to, and I am going to compare them to some Martin Logans. They are very transparant, detailed, and sweet sounding. I will report more when I have finished spending some concentrated time with them.