Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?

I'm considering The VR-2s as a replacement for my Totem Arros. I listen to a lot of electronic music, Oakenfold and the like. I've read good reviews on these and they fit my budget at $2,500. I'm not willing to spend 2 or 3 times more. Problem is, I would have to travel to audition them.
Does anybody out there who owns these listen to my kind of music? Or do you have any thoughts on whether or not I'd be wasting my time? I'm looking for a speaker with excellent overall presentation, including nice tight and clean bass response, but not bass heavy. For obvious size limitations, the Arros just didn't cut it.
Most assuredly, ass-oradlly worth it!!

I have heard them sound great on amplifiers ranging from high-powered SS amps, high-powered tubed or even low-powered SET's.

The rare case where they did not work well was due to the rooms bass behavior. Cubical rooms need not apply.

Though a high-order crossover, the design in no way hurts imaging...these babies (when set up according to instructions...imagine that) throw a huge, precise, sound stage that has remarkable height too.

The speaker IMHO doesn't so much excell at any one thing (though the bass is outstanding), as they do in their balance of characteristics. They do everything they do in service of the music. Coherence is the word here.
Can anyone comment on the VR-2s adequacy in a room that measures 17' x 21' x 12'. At only 40" in height, has the VR-2 enough gusto for a room that size? Thanks.

You are so right. Iv'e owned so many speakers where in the Hype WAY exceeded the actaul performance and sound. No so with these.. They are indeed a well engineered,coherent, and balanced speaker that makes few compromises that hurt the music either in dynamics, tonal quality, purity of tone, or imaging/soundstage. Yes that bass is superb! The first rule of Audio being.."first, do no harm" My demo pair is somewhat broken in( Highly important) and right out of the box this past week my ears confirm that I will never go back to a planer or electrostat again!