Arm lift options beside Stylift

Does anyone know of any arm lift devices besides the Stylift? I know Thorens and Audio Technica used to make spring powered arm lifts. I've got the Stylift, but find it annoying the way it wacks the arm, and finicky about placement to the point of being not usefull for may albums.
Any ideas about what might be out there?
Actually, you could adjust the Thorens for a soft lift, something that's not possible with the stylift.
If you actually still have your Thorens, look at the spring adjustments. Also, place the lifting lever close to the bottom of the arm height.
That should work for you.

I just picked up an Audio Technica Safety Raiser, as well as the Thorens. It seems, that's about it to end this thread.
The Thorens fits on my Oracle just perfectly. Amazing the prices these things fetch. Also amazing I gave my previous Thorens lifter away with my last table as I was sure there had to be something more stylish out there to go with my Oracle. The Safety Raiser may fit the bill, but the Thorens works so well, I haven't tried it yet.

Over and out,