Assemblage 3.1 or MSB platinum

Have heard the platinum in a friend's system, but am unable to audition the 3.1 unless I buy one. Maybe that's what I'll have to do. Was hoping someone could give me an idea of how the 3.1 compares to the best out there, and if possible to the msb platinum. Thanks.
I'm in the process of breaking in a DAC 3.1 Platinum (w/ D2D-1 and I2Se cable). While I think it still has yet to fully hit its stride, it already stomps my old CAL Sigma II 24/96 to dust. The 3.1 Platinum (with the K grade DACs and OPA627s) has a captivating musical presence and effortlessness that I have not heard this side of vinyl. It seems unflappable and unfazed by whatever music you toss at it. Wonderfully natural timbre across the entire range, right down to the lowest reaches. All this and what seems like total clarity and limitless dynamics. Absolutely zero fatigue factor - I could listen endlessly. I've not heard the MSB Platinum, but can say I'm quite taken with the DAC 3.1 Platinum so far. I've yet to find a weakness in it. And the smart four board design gives me some confidence in its ultimate service life. For what it's worth, a Soundstage reviewer a few months ago found the hot new Perp Tech combo with PS upgrade still behind the DAC 3.0/D2D-1 in overall performance.
I am in the process of listening to the 3.1 and I think its the best digital source i have ever heard.I have the Signiture version and I could just imagine how much better the Platinum might be.For know I cant stop spinning CD's.I might end up in the dog house.but the 3.1 sound is worth it.Anyone outhere dont hesitate this is a great product.You can tell by the weight and feel its a class A product.Get it assembled and dont fool yourself.If this unit was built by BAT Krell Audio Note Classe McIntosh it would retail at 5k +.
Follow up I now have about 75 hours on the DAC 3.1 Signiture and it keeps getting better hour after hour.Big soundstage lots of air space.I can hear the vocalists on some track takin a breath thats how much detail is being extracted.And all of this using a Nakamichi 5 year old Music bank.If you have a good dvd player this thing will really bring you much joy.
great post smglaw.The Assemblage product suffers from lack of brand name recognition.I dont know if people really know the connection to Sonic Frontiers and that the product is desingned using some of the best parts available.when you get it assembled it rivals the best of whats out there.
Thanks guys. Guess I'm going to order myself a 3.1 platinum. Did you feel the d2d-1 was a substantial upgrade? My understanding is that it doesn't actually re-dither to a 24 bit word length, because it doesn't have dsp.