Attention Conrad Johnson Premier 11A owners

Hello. I was wondering which speakers you guys are using for your cj 11a. Your inputs are greatly appreciated.
I'm using the Sonus Faber Electa Amatours (originals). The CJ 11a really made them sing & have plenty enough power to drive them. Before the CJ I was using a Threshold T-200 (100WPS class A. There was literally a night & day differance IMHO.
CJ 11A and the Sonus Faber EA Is is a great combination, but it mates even better with the newer EAII. They were simply made for each other. The synergy is amazing: rich open and holographic sound with excellent dynamics and great bottom end extension. Give them a listen with your CJ!
I have been using Sonus Faber Signum. Very good combination, I think. Sure, bigger SF must be nicer, but due to the size of my room, Signum is just fine. I am using Svet KT-88 now.
Seems like most of you prefer Sonus Faber. I'll go audition them this weekend. Thanks guys!
I used a pair of Thiel 1.5s when I had my CJ11a. The CJ seemed to smooth out the Thiels. A real nice combo. The Thiel
1.6 is out now and from what I understand easier to drive.
I also had a pair of martin logan Aerius with the CJ. Bass was kind of flabby but overall pretty nice.
