Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Although I love my vinyl,I wanted to experience music I could no longer purchase unless it was on cd.I wanted a unit that could hold up over the years,was built well,sounded very good,and had a good pedigree.I bought a Levinson 390s and am extremely happy with it.Don't care about sacd,If I want to overdose on quality sound I just play my lp's.
My CEC TL-1X and Audio Logic 24MXL DAC sound great for CD, but it's still not vinyl. I like my CD's a lot now, but I love my vinyl.
Museatex Melior Bitstream DAC (modified) / Sony DVP-S9000ES transport. Very analog sounding, but no, it is not a substitute for the real thing.
MF Tri Vista, but now it is used primarily as a DAC for my Apple Airport Express. I find my digital listening is relegated to background music from iTunes playlists on my LaCie Big Disk Extreme, and any serious listening is to LP's. The more I listen to LP's the less satisfying is digital, and that is also true for my non-audiophile skeptical friends who come over to listen.