Audience Au24e vs Cardas Golden Reference

Can someone familiar with both of these cables describe the differences between them? I'm especially interested in speaker cables. Both Cardas and Audience are often mentioned together as great choices. I know Cardas, what can I expect from Audience? Your opinions will be much appreciated.
I have both in two otherwise identical systems. The Cardas eats the Audience's lunch. Way bigger soundstage,weightier, more involving, more fun. It'll depend on your system but in mine it's no contest.
I agree entirely with Fama. Some time ago, I was able to directly compare Cardas Golden Reference with Audience AU 24e in my system. Cardas sounded significantly closer to a live concert experience; Audience significantly closer to the hi fi experience.
Hi, I'm new to this post and I want to share my experience with my cardas golden reference. I had this for more than 8 yrs. in my system. Last year I wanted to try out new cables and for the record the cardas gr is very musical. I also had the cardas cross and sold it to upgrade to the Golden reference,so now I got the Silnote audio Poseidon ref. and boy it sounded amazing ! It has very big soundstage, very detail and clear, I thought I had a new sound system. I switch it back and fort and it's for real! My source Is a cary 306/200, unico hybrid , triangle Celsius and morrow sp6 speaker cables. IMHO , the Silnote Audio cables are very high end quality . They compete with the cables that are over $3000 list.