Audio Alchemy DTi Pro 32 - Any Good?

I have a AA DDS pro transport, with EAD 7000III into a CJ CAV50 integrated. I'm thinking of adding a AA DTI Pro 32 between transport and Dac, and maybe even replacing the EAD Dac with the AA vers 3.0 dac.
Does anyone have any experience with the DTI Pro 32?
I've read some really rave reviews about the Pro 32 particularly when used with the I2s cables, but there is no opportunity to demo this equipment, so I would have to take a gamble on buying from ebay or audiogon.

The AA DDS Pro and EAD combo are pretty good - how much better with the Pro 32 and V3 dac?


I've owned all this stuff. The Pro Drive is a very good unit and can probably be used successfully with any DAC. The DTI Pro 32 and DDE v.3 are a pain, basically junk. They sound pretty good WHEN they are working and connected with IsqS. But I would forget about the AA stuff and think about some better quality equipment to hook up to your current drive. When I had all this AA stuff, I hooked up the Pro Drive to a variety of high end DACs and it always sounded pretty good. The DTI Pro 32 was great in concept but fell far short in execution. If you can find a good quality used DAC I think you will be happier. You'll also save a lot of time that you would have used trying to figure out why your AA wasn't working or won't lock on. Maybe a little harsh but I'm speaking from experience. Good luck!
Thanks Rja,

I take your point about AA reliability. I bought a new V3.0 Dac years ago and was back and forth to my dealer with problems, until I finally exchanged it for a Monarchy 18B.
I did finally buy the DTI Pro 32 and it actually powered up and locked fine, and has worked well for the 3 months that I've owned it. It has made a definate improvement to my system, more air, clarity, stage depth etc.

However, I'm still looking for ways of getting more out of digital, hopefully so I can drop the analog bug which is biting again.

Do you have any ideas on what would make a significant improvement on my EAD 7000III, with or without the DTI Pro?

I've thought about a Thete GenV, but figured it's from the same era as my EAD, so there are probably better options out there.
Would appreciate input from anyone passing through.

I have owned a 3.0 since new in 95 or so and it absolutely rocks. Having heard so much over the years about the DTI Pro a few months ago I decided to finally try it. Well, after 4 days of tweaking, coaxing, and cajoling, it only worked one time, and afterward not again. Last theory I was on was that the I2 cable was the wrong one for this combo. Give me a break.

I really wanted it to work but the frustration it caused reminded me of why I got out of separates, tweaks and HEA in the first place. That said, the 3.0 alone as is is a magnificently detailed, rythmic and musical piece. It works even with cheap older DVD players as well as newer and better stuff. At current prices, it is highway robbery.
I guess I am one of the lucky ones. I used to sell this stuff and had remembered a couple of complaints about the reliability of some of the AA stuff (esp. the transports!) so was a little concerned about buying Audio Alchemy gear myself. I can honestly say I have been the owner of several Alchemy products in the last nine years, the original DTI+, DTI-PRO and Pro32, powered digital cables and power supplies (PS2) I have never had a quality issue with any of these units. So maybe I should be playing craps in Vegas but I would bet that you'd be all right buying AA gear.
BTW: I still use the Pro32, cables and power supply in my main system. No probs after all these years.