Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Believe it or not, these Hifi-tuning fuses get better with time. They have a mild break-in period, so give them a few days to acclimate into your system.
Sherod i m sure because the HiFi tuning fuse is much more than a fuse it needs some time to get right. I did some PC moving and swapping this morning and yes it does take time even for well broke in PCs to settle down and sound good.

Looking forward to what the Hifi tuning fuses and Furutech IEC deliver.
Stltrains, I looked forward to your experience with Hifi Tuning and Furutech FI 09 connector as I am thinking of swapping the stock fuse with a higher grade fuse eg Hifi Tuning or Isoclean. One question though is Do you need to open the Nuforce casing to replace stock fuse.
I thought I see that there is flap there but seems that it is really an opening to refuse the fuse without removing the casing.

Thanks so much

YGLim you dont need to open the case to get to the Nuforce fuse. The IEC incorporates the male plug and fuse. Theres a small tab that a small flat screwdriver will fit to pop the housing up and out the fuse clips into the housing. I had to remove the amp from my system to figure out how to pop the housing out.

Will post my findings with HiFi Tuning fuses and the IEC.
Stltrains, Thanks so much for your time. Got the fuse out but out of luck getting the required size in Singapore. Guess I will have to try outside Singapore.

Is the Furutech FI 09 meant for Nuforce as well. From the internet, I thought this IEC inlet does not come with an integrated fuse holder?

