Audio Research CD Remote Control

I purchased an Audio Research CD3 recently
but it didn't come with a remote control.

According to the ARC manual the remote
uses RC5 Codes. I believe these are Phillips
codes, which would make sense seeing as
how the transport in my unit is a Phillips OEM part.

Has anyone found a remote that will work
with ARC CD players.

I have a universal remote that I'll eventually
use, but I need something to 'teach' my
universal how to control a CD player.

Would any old remote for a Phillips CD
do the trick?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you. That's the universal remote that I have.

But don't I still need a remote control that sends RC5
infra-red signals that the 850 can then 'learn' from?


But don't I still need a remote control that sends C5
infra-red signals that the 850 can then 'learn' from
If you have a Harmony 650, you can get the codes online. Sorry, I'm not familiar with the 850.
The Logitec/Harmony Website says the Audio Research CD3 is compatible with the Harmony 650. That means it is in the database and your Haromony 650 can be set up to work with the CD3.

Thanks to Cleeds & Reubent

I'm glad I asked here on Audiogon.

I'm reluctant some times to post a
specific question because on other
sites I get mostly speculation and
little or no real experience with my
specific question or situation.

Thanks again