Audio Research LS-15 Infincaps

I own ARC LS-15 pre-amp. Mine has REL caps. Later in production they equipped their LS-15 pre-amps with infinicaps. Has anyone compare the LS-15 with REL caps to the one with Infinicaps? If so, what are the advantages in sound of this pre-amp with infincaps vs the REL caps. I am thinking of sending my pre-amp to ARC for upgrade to infincaps. The price ARC charges is not a killer, but it's still few hundred bucks. Is it really worth it? Thanks in advance.
For a few hunded you could sell your preamp and buy an LS 16 like I just sold and save a couple of hundred bucks at the same time. The LS 16 also uses Infinicaps. Also your preamp wouldn't appreciate hardly at all with the upgrade so that would be a loss if you ever sell it.
Warnerwh thanks. I did think of that before and decided against it. Your suggestion, though, is not an answer to my question. But thanks anyway.
Rather than pay the ridiculous upgrades through ARC, or even consider the lateral move to the LS16, check out the awesome value on this unit:

The LS2, LS15, LS16, LS22, in any kind of upgrade don't even begin to approach the incredible 3-dimensionality of the LS5. And this is a MK III with GNS upgrades.
I think I neded to be more clear in my original post, but I will clarify this a bit now. I don't want to sell my LS-15 and replace it with something else. All I would like to hear is if someone had compared the one with infinicaps to the one with REL caps. What is your opinion. What did you think was different. Worth sending for upgrade and be left without music for 3 weeks? Or live with REL caps and not bother with infincaps. Thanks.
I just finished breaking in my LS15 after the infinicap upgrade and new tubes and dampers. I'm extremely pleased in every way, ARC was a pleasure to deal with, and it was only gone 10 days.