Audio Research Ref 3...& Krell Showcase 5 poweramp

Hi, I have Krell Showcase Processor and Amp which sounds superb for movies but never been convinced when it comes to music, which is really my passion. So I've just bought an ARC Ref 3 as it can take a pass through from the processor. So I can play all my music (turntable, CD, FLAC & radio) through the ARC and the Krell will pass through it for the front two speakers for movies.

My question is - am I seriously limiting the potential of the ARC for music by using two of the Showcase amp channels? Is the Krell good enough or should I get a separate amp for the ARC and somehow run two separate systems? Be great to hear people's views. Thanks
In my experience with an LS26 and Anthem Statement D2v, that I benefit from having a separate McIntosh MC402 for 2 channel and use 3 of 5 channels on a McIntosh MC205 amp. This allows me to just leave all HT related components off when listening to music.
I agree with Theo. Back when I was running stereo/HT, I had the separate stereo preamp and stereo amp, using an additional 3 channel amp for HT purposes. I never found a 5 channel amp that I liked for music.
Thanks guys. I listened last night to my new set up and although the ARC ref 3 made an incredible difference I think I can already hear that the Krell Showcase amp is holding it back. The Ref 3 sounds so effortless and musical with a big soundstage and accurate voices.....but something slightly indefinable is missing. It's as if it's being pushed through a funnel and everything is there is is being slightly compressed, as if it's gone through a funnel.

I thought this would work but I don't think the Krell multi-channel amps are up to it.