Audio Research Reference 3 Seeking help

Dear Brothers,

I am Michael from Hong Kong. I bought my Audio Research Reference 3 Preamp from the previous authorized Hong Kong dealer in 2008. Now I intended to upgrade the said 4 pcs 0.0024 coupling caps inside the Ref3 but the present authorized Hong Kong dealer refused to help me to make such order.

Would you guys offer me assistance to that? Of course, I must pay you back the charges in advance, if any.

Thanks for your help.

Michael Cheung
from Hong Kong
Don, I am a warranty repair station for ARC and I find you comments to be rather offensive. I am not some independent hack. I've been fixing ARC gear for more than 20 years and was friends with both Nancy and Bill Johnson. Last year I drove over 100 miles to fix Nancy's Ref Amplifiers. I deal with Chris Osanna on a regular basis and he's never been rude to me. It's possible he was stressed out when you spoke to him or maybe you were rude to him. Given your broad brush name calling it wouldn't surprise me.
No sir, I was not....Fixing TV's does not qualify someone to fix complex vacuum tube audio equipment with solid state/tube regulators. It's obvious to me you have had some unresolved issues with service providers in the past and that is unfortunate.
Gentlemen , Please !

It was not my intent to be the cause of any handbags and spilled Lady Petrol.

@ Bifwynne , My posting whilst posing a serious technical inquiry also contained a somewhat less than serious element of Satire.

@ Don , Whilst I fully appreciate that you may have had personal dealings with ARC as a Company ,that may have left a less than favorable impression ( as for my part have I ) , I would not consider that reasonable grounds for calling Hifigeek1's professional credentials into any sort of question !!!
I have owned equipment over the years from many high end manufacturers. A few have not been helpful with customer inquiries, but, over the past decade or so of my ownership of ARC gear, ARC --I usually speak to Kal--is right up there with the very best. On one occasion when Kal was out of service, I spoke to Chris who was extraordinarily helpful and polite.
Perhaps Don_c55 impressed Chris the way he is impressing us, in which case I suppose Don_c55 got what he deserved.