Audio stuff I've lost in my own home...

I have had a few audio related items disappear from my home over the years. Not misplaced but gone. I've searched over and over for them to no avail.
1.Set of 2 brand new Eichmann Bullet RCA plugs unopened.
2.Krell remote for a 300i integrated amp, since sold.
3.One of the three little black nuts that hold the VPI nameplate down on my turntable.
Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me?
I lost a remote. And here is the weird thing. It's the remote for the DVD player in my second system. My bedroom system. One night I fall asleep while watching a movie. I have a clear memory of waking up, seeing the screen with the menu indicating the movie had played through. I notice the remotes (TV and DVD player) on the bed. I turn off the TV and DVD player using the remotes. I push the remotes to the side and go back to sleep.

The next morning I cannot find the DVD remote. The really strange thing is that when I am sitting on a certain place the on the bed the DVD player turns on. So you'd think that the remote was somewhere in the bed. I turn the bed and cannot find the darn DVD remote. And then the DVD stops turning on when I am on the bed.

Periodically I search for the remote. I turn the bed: remove sheets, remove the mattress, etc. I move the furniture, etc. I cannot find the darn remote.

This was several months ago and, periodically i repeat the process of moving all the furniture looking for that darn remote. No success.

I have not used my second system since. I can't use the DVD player without the remote. I'm convinced that as soon as I break down and buy a new player, as soon as I set it up I will find the remote.

Kind of like when you are cleaning out the garage, or kitchen or whatever. And you come upon some item that you haven't used in years so you decide to just get rid of it. And then, in a week or so something happens and you need that exact same item that you had just thrown out because you thought there was no way you would ever need it. And now you need it.

Anyway, that is the only thing that comes to my mind that I have lost.
I haven't lost much stereo gear, but I've lost four recording mics, a DAT recorder, minidisc recorder, keyboard amp, mic stands, and loads of cables. I'm just glad I bought everything second-hand.
This may be confusing but:
I have only lost items when I am looking for them.
When I am looking for something alse I find the other lost item.
I think it's because I put things where I know I will find them later and then forget.
Well, this thread must have been a harbinger of good things.

The Coincident IC turned up this evening after my spending something like a year looking for it. Thanks, everyone!