Audiodesk Vinyl Cleaner Pro - Drying Issue


Can anyone who owns an Audiodesk Vinyl Cleaner or the newer Pro version chime in with their experience on drying for me?  I recently bought the pro version myself.  The machine is supposed to clean and fully dry the record.  I am finding that mine does not fully dry the record.

As concerned as I am about this, I am still impressed by the machine.  However, I would like it to be doing all that it is designed to do.  I have spoken to the service department about this issue.  In fact, they replaced my machine with a new one in hopes that would solve the problem.  It did not.

My machine dries the record mostly, but not fully.  It leaves some minimal beads of water on the dead wax, the outer edge, and even on the grooves.  The problem is, regardless of the small quantity of moisture left, it is moisture.  If I put the record in the sleeve, the moisture is obvious, and it sticks to the sleeve.  

I have resorted to running the drying cycle a 2nd time (only possible on the pro model) or using a clean anti static cloth (made for photographic film) to soak up some of the moisture during the drying cycle, making the cycle more likely to finish the job.

Has anyone experience this with their version of the same machine?  What do you do to get the records perfectly dry? 

Hi Mark,
I have an early version of the Audiodesk washer and I too have had this problem but only occasionally. It seems to occur mostly when I wash a number of records back to back.
My workaround is to use a clean paper towel and just using the very tip of a corner of the towel, simply touch the water bead and it will immediately get "slurped" up into the towel. The towel does not touch the record or, if it does, just barely causing no harm. I then stand the record up on a clean surface such that only its outer edge is leaning against a vertical clean surface and allow it to dry while I go on washing another record.
All this is a bit of a PITA but it beats other methods that I've used. I do agree however, that the dry cycle leaves a lot to be desired.
All the best, Fred
thanks Fred.  Let me ask you this: were you under the impression that the machine should fully and completely dry the records?  If so, are you ok with your work around?  Or do you feel that you should have your machine repaired?
I use a AS myself but not an AD. Would it be anything to do with not enough surfactant causing the water to bead up?