Audiophile 2 channel Receiver?

Will be moving my 2 channel and HT from the living room
downstairs into a theater setting, hopefully by summers
end. I would like a simple system in the living room,
for example, my Silverline Audio sonatina II's driven by
a 2 channel receiver. $2000-2500 (used on A'gon) budget.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Perhaps an Anthem TLP1 would fit your needs. It's a two channel pre with good remote, tuner, decent sound, and inexpensive. Most reviews indicate that it performs well ahead of it's cost. Pair this with an amp of your choice and you may find what you need for your living room.
The Krell is a KAV 300il,small silver unit.I heard it matched with a pair of B&W N703's.Simply outstanding to say the least.MSRP was $3250.Demo/used can be had for well under $2000.Hope this helps....