Audiophile speakers that rock well

I am interested in a monitor sized speaker that does all the audiophile tricks, but can also rock the house without bleeding my ears. Can I get both in a single speaker? I've heard some real good speakers that do vocals, acoutical type music well, but absolutle fail at R & R. Can I have the soundstaging, the imaging, etc.etc. With a speaker that rocks? Budget is $3K

"Again, there is plenty of stuff out there the can bring some life to the poor recordings. Just have to know where to look."


I am open to suggestions of "where to look"...

Mark and Daniel Ruby, WLM, Green Mountain Audio, and if you can find one, American Acoustic Development E-48s. The AAD E-48s are not expensive but just very big sounding, great with rock. I used to own a pair, if I wasn't a sick audiophile I would have just kept those and been perfectly happy. I have not actually heard the PSB Stratus Golds, but a dealer told me a fews years ago they are a poor recording friendly speaker too. Also, wide bandwidth amps can help in this area too.
They pull off the counter-intuitive trick of revealing many recording flaws, while NOT making those flaws intolerable to listen to.

Yes!! That's exactly what my GMA Callistos do. Bad recordings don't sounds bad - they sound like the are *supposed* to sound bad. Husker Du is listenable because the awful recording and engineering is presented as part of the art, not as a mistake. Now, subs are a must if you want to articulate the low end. But once you augment the low end of a GMA system, IMHO you have a full-range system made in heaven.

But then again, I'm biased....just check out my system.
I love Husker Du and I used them to do a direct comparison with the Mark and Daniel Ruby and the GMA Callisto. Both did a good job, but the M and D, just had more depth and wt. However, a sub was not used. But yes the GMA's surely fit the bill. The Husker Du album I used for the direct comparison was Wharehouse. As bad as that is, it is their best recording. I don't think there is any system that could bring help Zen Arcade. That one needs a good headphone system.
Nick couldn't be more right about GMA speakers. I have never heard music reproduced so "right" in my room.
