Audiophile Staff

Years ago I read an article about Malcolm Forbes where he talked about his extensive motorcycle collection and how he had two full time staff people to perform maintenance and upkeep on the bikes. In addition to salary the staff people could ride any of his bikes and frequently accompanied him on motorcycle tours. Not a bad gig if you're into motorcycles.

I'm wondering if anybody on Audiogon has a dedicated audiophile equivalent of Forbes' assistants, someone to perform the tedious tasks required by this hobby? Cleaning sockets, biasing tubes, tightening driver bolts, schlepping around large amps, supervising the delivery of half ton loudspeakers, keeping track of available mods and updates, etc.

Personally, I have a dog that wags its tail when I go towards the equipment rack, but I'm just wondering about other people's lifestyles. Happy Holidays!
Ghostrider45, I remember those pics well!
It truly was a blending of ALL things audio from the Golden Age forward. It was indeed a five story temperature controlled building!

I have a British gentleman who warms up my system precisely 1 hour
before I arrive home. When I walk in the door, he inquires about my mood
and hands me my favorite beverage. Once I arrive at my listening chair
(which he has pre-heated), I say "Hit it, Jeeves," and the music
begins at exactly the correct volume.

In the morning, Jeeves has forwarded all relevant audio reviews and blogs
to my Ipad. Once a week he thoroughly cleans all system connections with
Kontak and performs a thorough demagnetization and calibration of
relevant components.

I dare say, I'd be lost without the chap.
Vhiner- Yes but does he iron your rice paper inner sleeves before he inserts a meticulously cleaned LP?
Perhaps a fine French Maid and a feather duster with heels high and amplifiers low....