Audiophile turntables of the 60's and 70's

This is for the dealers and people that remember what turntables were selling back in the golden years of the 60's and early 70's (what would you see at a dealer playing along with a McIntosh C22,and 275 amp ?)

I know there was the Garrard 301,401 but what else was the table to have back then.

The Goldring Lenco L75 (GL75) i do believe cost more than the Garrards in the 60's. Put a decent arm and plinth on it now and like the Garrards it will do amazing things
in my worthless opinion
the Oracle ruled!
very airy with large
later, gents.
I had a Lux after my first Garrard. See a very interesting thread at
Of course, Linn was around then. I might have bought one except Igor, Ivan whatever his name is made such outrageous claims and I couldn't get a good demo. (Thank goodness I missed that tweakdom).

I don't see Micro Seiki mentioned. They were big.

I wouldn't exactly call it the "golden age." Finding good vinyl was a BIG problem. Just like double-compressed mp3 today, the masses were fed really crappy software. The major labels could care less about quality. There were a few great D2D albums, but most were "audiophile" in the worst sense of the word. (Good sound but no talent).

Oracle certainly did not rule. Thorens probably enjoyed the largest market share of the high quality tables. AR was a big player also. Empire was considered really high end.

Dcstep, just look at my post and you will see where Micro Seiki was mentioned.