Audiophile USB to PCM

I have an excellent upsampler and dac (dCS Purcell/Delius) and am looking for the very best USB to PCM conversion. So far, I've tried SlimDevices Squeezebox, and Xitel Pro Hi-Fi link.

Both are very good, but I was wondering if there are any other options I should be considering. Both the Sutherland USB Preamp and the Wavelength USB Dac convert to analog. I'd like something of similar quality that stops short of the digital to analog conversion so that I can let the dCS gear do that.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I read about the Sutherland and it was panned as basically an expensive piece of junk (looks pretty cool though). If you can run a digital out from any external soundcard into your DAC, you would already be way beyond the Sutherland.
A professional caliber soundcard w/ AES/EBU output should out perform consumer oriented USB devices. I use an RME, but there are others.
The ESI U24 that we sell as part of our Professional test kit is 24 bit 96kHz and has SPDIF out as well as analog out. Might work very well for what you are trying to do.
What about something as simple as the Edirol UA-1D? Its a simple USB device with a single S/PDIF coax output. I use mine off my Win XP Pro box, going into a Theta Pro Basic IIIa. Works reliably for my set up, which is playing mp3s through the home office stereo. Hard to go wrong for $80.

I'm curious about the RME and other AES/EBU cards, however. Onhwy61, have you compared any of those to any of the simple USB devices like the Edirol or M-Audio Sonica?