Audioquest cables: replace the DBS Battery pack.

I have Cheetah, Volcano and Mont Blanc AQ cables, and I want to upgrade and replace the DBS Battery packs.
My Cheetah has 12V DBS and the new has 36V, the Mont Blanc and Volcano have 24V and the news have 36 and 72V
Please let me know if I can buy only the DBS Battery packs and who sell them.
Riddle me this... If DBS is such the hot lick technology in cables and makes such an audible difference; how come no other cable manufacturer is doing anything similiar?

Kid, AQ's DBS system is patented, or at least a patent is pending.

And Audiofire, just because YOUR dealer (and, apparently, Audiofire5228, too) can't hear the improvements brought by the DBS system doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Even though it is patented, some one could release a similiar concept to compete. Not a believer in DBS..

I can't wait until they come out with speaker cables that need power cords (of course it will need to be a "good" power cord). Talk about incremental sales!
Ooh...the smartasses are out today! :-) At least you're all still good-natured about it.

Only those who believe that (1) there ARE audible differences among good-quality interconnect cables AND (2) cables gain sound quality from a break-in process will believe that AQ's DBS system works. All others probably won't. And if you BELIEVE you won't hear any differences, you won't.

I don't work for AQ or have ANY interest in them other than as a customer, so I'm not 'selling' for them. I own and use a bunch of AQ cable, new and old, DBS and not, and I like the way it sounds. I'm sold on the DBS system and so are others. You may spend your money any way you wish and post anything you like on these forums. Ain't life wonderful!?!?