avantgarde UNO nano seeking a matching amp

I am using AVG Uno nano with cary 300SEI integrate amp. it has a sweet sounding character which is hard to stay away from, however i do miss the authoritative bass notes which is lacking in my system. i am looking at an opportunity to change amplifier sets up. can any one who have experience with AVG speakers give me some pointers of the following amp shortlist? [Audiopax 88 stereo, Avantgarde model 5+ or model 3, First watts F3] selecting the avantagarde integrate will save me from buying another preamp but better musical satisfaction from better top to bottom coherance is my top priority at the moment.... need help
After trying many, many amps and preamps with my Unos I followed the advice of three people who said to try the Tom Evans Linear A amp and his Pulse/Vibe preamp and now I could not be happier. Read Jeff Day's review of the Evans' gear on 6moons. He nails it in the review and he was using Avantgarde speakers. Awesome bass is just part of the great experience. The entire frequency range is fantastic. As you can see, I like the Evans' gear a lot!
My AVG UNO speaker sound fanastic with Cary 805C but I use Van Den Hul's revelation as pigtail and Supernova as speaker cables.
If you can get to NYC (Highwater Sound), have a listen to the TRON Syren tube pre and Cantata 300B power amp. They are stunning and designed specifically for the AVG horns by Graham Tricker (the UK importer for AVG and a tube amp designer of some repute). They are not cheap, but they are all hand built by Graham himself. Each one is individual and can be tailored to your requirements.

I currently use a KR antares amp using both the factory 842 vhd tubes and the TJ mesh plate 300B with my uno and it sounded great with lots of detail and emotion.the 300B has much better extensions and tighter bass but can sound a tad on the bright side whereas the 842 KR tubes are much warmer but lacking in highs.I am having a tom Evans linear A sent to me for evaluation. I spoke with jeff day and he recommends it above all others. I will be using a passive preamp from placette to see how that goes for transparency and even more precise soundstaging.my digital is oracle 1500. I will post agin after these gear arrive in a few days.