Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
I would love to know the Tubes that came with the CD 07 so as to change them, according to Girt in an interview he stated that my player-the PCB boards came from China and sent to Austria everything else was assembled in AUSTRIA.
The Manual certainly does suggest it came from Europe as it never said anything.
I too have a few tube amps and have tried a few tube changes-ie rollings except mine came from advise.
Prima Luna premium prologue , mono 7 and Manley ITUBE which needs a bunch of tube rollings. IF suggestions for the CD 07 tube changes can be given i am all EARS.
I have nothing to do with AYON whatsoever but Paul from usatubeaudio-pointed me in this direction and all i have is thanks for him.
@ the seventh- please dont limit yourself in the posts as i messed up on that and reynolds might be going to change it.
Ayon s3 impressed many listener here, i am planning to get one, anyone here ever heard ayon s3 ?

If we are to change the title of the thread, I suppose we would have to ask the site administrator to do it, and I would think too that as the originator of the thread, you will have to be the one to make the request. It seems the thread is off to a good start though, and thanks again for getting it started.

well i finally decided on a speaker to go with the Ayon Spirit 3. After all the thinking and list of speakers i was going for , i went with the rank outsider. Never heard it , but this was my last try with an AMERCan Speaker.
Tyler acoustics D2 - Full range and built like a sherman tank.
List was
Proac D18
Neat SX
Joseph audio 22XL
Sonus Faber Cremona M-have the liuto and dont need another
Tekton Pendragon.-highly recommended-lore ill order soon

Might not be the right speaker but i wanted different.
Hopefully this works
Spirit 3 And CD 07 wanted ipod and USB in.