Ayon CD transport problems

I have an AYON CD-2S, purchased new 3 years ago. About 6 months out of the 1 year warranty, the transport started to exhibit occasional reading problems.

A CD would be inserted, play for a short or longer while and then play would stop with the display reading LOAD!
This persisted on and off on a rather random basis until yesterday when it happened repeatedly. I turned off the player, let it sit for about 5 minutes and then proceeded to play 3 discs at which point the player would read the disc, start playing, stop, display read load, would read the disc, then the display would read LOAD.......etc. Same issues today.

Contacted AYON USA to find they wanted close to $1000 plus approx. $300 shipping to replace the Phillips transport! When I commented that I had every CD player I had ever bought in the last 30 years and that they all still worked and that I had never had a transport fail............I was told it was bad luck!

Having spent what I consider to be a huge amount of money to purchase the player originally, I feel as if I would be spending good money after bad to get who knows how much or little time out of my player with another transport.

Has anyone else had this type of failure from an AYON or any top loading CD player with a Phillips transport?


Agree with Nedman52. While problematic, the CD2S is incredibly musical, although my analog front end betters it by far. Originally I thought I was the only misfortunate one having trouble with the Phillips drive. My dealer, whom I trust implicitly, said he sold many CD2S`s as well as CD5`s, and no one else had an issue. I thought, maybe I`m doing something incorrectly? In a strange way, I now feel validated after seeing others had problems, though I don`t wish trouble on others. Done rambling for now.

Happy listening.

Going to spin some vinyl! Yeah!

My brother has the CD-2s and I own two CD-1. My brother had to get his player fixed because it wasn't reading the CDs and now I have the same problem. I hardly used the one that doesn't work now so I'm not so sure if it's because of the heat coming from the tubes.

Mine is still cutting off the beginning of the first note occasionally.

Agreed Ayon is a very good sounding player and I'm happy with it musically but this shouldn't be happening. I spent a lot of money for the transport and Sigma DAC.

Also the occasional lemon excuse does not hold water. These are too expensive and not mass produced for there to be lemons.

If there are problems the company should be doing cartwheels and backflips to help people who bought from accredited dealers.

The oh I hope these people just go away and disappear official policy of customer service is extremely unprofessional.