
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Obviously you have a vested interest in Ayon.You have been calling people "pinheads", nuts(anyone who has even the slightest criticism of an Ayon product) etc and claiming to have owned gear XYZ, claiming to have authored books on the subject " the mental health status of Canadians". That was also in another thread which was pointing out Ayon is NOT made in Austria but ONLY ASSEMBLED in Austria, leading many to believe AYON is MADE IN CHINA( at least mostly).Only final assemble takes place in Austria,like setting the already fully manufactured circuit boards into the case.Funny how that entire thread was deleted.
The stuff does seem priced a little high for being MADE IN CHINA( final assembly in Austria).

Bottom line is this.
Jim you have been unmasked and no one believes your stories anymore because that is all they are.Now run back to Ayon because you obviously don't have any objectivity or credibility at this point.
Budt, look buddy I agree with you questioning the genuiness of Jim's comments and his attitude, but I draw the line at misinformed assumptions about "Made in Austria". Really that has been done to death. Fyi, the Ayon's cases are made in China and Ayon source less critical rectifier tubes from China. My understanding is those are the only Chinese sourced parts.

Of course Ayon (like other Manufacturers source parts from Europe, Japan and elsewhere), though it should be noted Ayon source only the highest grade parts..many exclusively made for Ayon (eg: Kitamura Kiden power supplies), however the player is fully hand assembled in Austria as shown by the country name shown on the rear of the case. If you wish, I can forward you an email from Ayon owner Gerhard Hirt confirming the players are hand-assembled in Austria...pm me your email address if you wish.

If you are still insistant the players are "MADE IN CHINA" as you claim, then really, you're looking like a fool. All anyone has to do is read the Dagogo or 6 moons review and they can easily identify the Ayon's parts come mainly from Europe and Japan and as I stated are then hand-assembled in Ayon's factory in Austria. Believe what you want to believe, intelligent audiophiles are capable of making their own minds up.
It is definitely 100% NOT made in Austria. It is only partially assembled there. This has been discussed and was already extablish. Ayon even contributed to the thread and admitted it was ASSEMBLED in Austria, NOT made in Austria.
Ask Ayon yourself.
I only brought it up because of Jim's continual sarcastic and insulting posts.
Budt, who said the player is 100% MADE in Austria??? If you re-read my last post, I said the player is fully hand-ASSEMBLED in Austria from parts sourced from Europe, Japan and elsewhere. The issue I have with your previous post is, you are falsely inferring the player is made from mostly, or all Chinese parts which GREATLY devalues the brand and the reputation of Ayon players in most audiophiles opinions. So as an Ayon owner, I don't appreciate your misleading statements.