
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Hi Robsker, sorry I did miss your point. One thing to keep in mind with full spread magazing write ups is, the Company being profiled has to pay a lot of money for that (around $10k for a full page ad) the last time I checked & that comes with an understanding they will get a favourable write up, so some of the newer reviewers tend to get carried away.

I tend to think the question of value is relative; Ayon produce a range of products with certain virtues which will appeal to some and not others; from their sonic signature to tube vs ss to even looks and features. Bottom line is; Ayon's top end gear is very very good. As far as this hype goes however, I'll leave you with an old saying Rob "The truth is usually somewhere in the middle".

Yep. the truth is usually in the middle.

An aside. I really wish I could hear, in my system or any system for that matter, some of the really high end Ayon (and other companies stuff too.) I live in the boonies and there is one high end dealership 4 hours away (though it is not a great place at all) and the next closest one is 9 hours away. With all my purchases, I have had to order, pay for and have delivered equipment I never heard before --- a limitation to be sure. It is tough to audition in your own home before purchase... or even hear, in any context, much equipment when you live in a remote place.

So... those of you privileged enough to have access... do not take it for granted!
Robster, see if you can make the trip to either CES or RMAF in the States as you'll see everything there, though it's not always possible to hear equipment in the most ideal circumstances given the environment at shows.
For the record the 1704k version dac is considered by many the best dac Ever made. Esoteric, Accupsaze, Lector,less loss, and several others use these dacs and in the Ayon cd-5'and their Skylla dac which is slightly better
Use 4 ,2 per channel,thedacdoes not need to share one of the Takamura
Transformers with a transport therefor it has slightly better separation,
Soundstage , and dynamics in absolute terms .let me add either Herbies best tube dampers or the Eat model help to lock in the imaging,also
The 4 Chinese rectifiers are ok for the first 500 hours to run the unit in
But Mullard ,Mazda,RCA on any 1960s 6x 4- ez 90 tubes will easilly
Improve the performance in dynamics and to lock in the performance,
Also replace th 20mmfuse on backwiththe new Hifi tuning Supreme fuse
You will hear how it sounds more clean sounding after a 2-3 day runin.