Ayre Codex or Bryston

Hey all,

My system has gone through many changes lately, mostly in the effort to simplify the setup.
This is a nearfield setup on a desk.

I replaced my PMC speakers and W4S amp with Genelec monitors (not as good, but they do the job), and also listen with HD700's.

My source is PC -> Bryston BDA-2 -> Bryston BHA-1.

The BDA-2 to BHA-1 is XLR, as well as outputs to the monitors.

I was thinking of selling the 2 Bryston boxes and replacing with the compact Ayre Codex, which has all the features I need: DAC, Pre-amp, Headphone amp. Another option is the Mytek Brooklyn.

Thoughts ?
Thanks @limniscate. Do you know how it is compared to the Bryston combo I already have?

For USB, I'm using "just" a iFi iUSB + iPurifier.. your suggestions look more higher end
The DAC is less important in my opinion than the source. It sounds like you want the Codex for functionality.

If you want a cheaper option, get the SOtM sMS-200. It's about $450 new.
The DAC is less important in my opinion than the source. It sounds like you want the Codex for functionality.
True, but I am still interested to know the comparison.
I have the same functionality with the Bryston, but if I get comparable results, with less boxes (and money left over from selling), then its worth it
I briefly had a Bryston BDA-2 but didn't compare it to the Codex. I remember I couldn't tell an appreciable difference between it and whatever DAC (probably a Schiit Bifrost Multibit or first generation ODAC) I was using at the time though.

+1 Ayre Codex DAC:  The sound quality of my Codex DAC is excellent and I suggest you give it listen. I currently use my Codex DAC as a DAC and its sound quality is excellent.  I also experimented using the Codex DAC as a pre-amp with great results.

I suggest you audition the Ayre Codex DAC.