Ayre Monoblocks vs. Linn Klimax Solo 500s

Has anyone had a chance to compare the two. I have an all Ayre system now, except I am using the Linn Klimax mono amps driving Sophia 2s. Sound is fantastic, but I wonder if it would greatly improve with the new Ayre Monoblocks? Any ideas?
I have never heard the two products side by side, but i'm familiar with each individually. Having said that, and this is based on what i heard from an all Linn system using their very finest ($$$$$) components, i think that the Ayre's would be a BIG step up in terms of musicality. That is just my personal opinion though, so you and / or others may not agree. Sean
I have heard them both just not at the same time to do a fair AB comparison. However I can say that the Ayre caught me with much more impact than I ever remember getting out of the Linn. The local dealer sells both and it would be interesting to do AB comp. But I really feel safe in saying the Ayre would be better in every dimension. I just think the Ayre has a better grip on sound definition. I did sell and Ikemi to get a C5XE and have never looked back. Charles Hansen has a great knack for extracting the best and most natural accurate sound. Again just my opinion.