B&W 803s vs Focal 1027Be

Any clear winner here between the current B&W 803S and the Focal 1027Be? The Focal costs $2,000-more and sounds smoother/sweeter with a bit more extension and air on top. The B&W has a deeper sound with more weight and a bigger presentation. Both Speakers have trade-offs-neither is perfect. I don't want bigger, more expensive and difficult to drive Speakers, so I've narrowed it down to these 2, unfortunately, they're at 2 different Dealers and therefor cannot be audition side-by-side. I know that the 803D will smoke both of these, but it's quite a bit larger and for whatever reason-no deals are to be had on this model.
Any opinions?
Sevys brings up an excellent point - these speakers aren't designed for the same room. The 1027 will need a smaller room than the 803S. I would say the 1027 should not be put in a room larger than 250 sq.ft. if you want to have even tonality. The 803S will support a much larger space.

I haven't really been impressed with the B&W 803S though they did appear to have good mid-bass stereo separation. I did however find them boxy, colored and unresolved but that may have been in the design with a purpose. They seemed to cover all the detail up. Just my experience.