B&W 804S + $2,000 used integrated

Hello. I am looking for a good integrated to match my B&W 804s. I am leaning heavily towards a used Musical Fidelity a5.5 Integrated or maybe a McIntosh Integrated. Any suggestions/experience with this match?

I mainly listen to acoustic jazz.
I sold B&W,Mac,Krell etc 96-2001 just before 804S came out and go back and listen all the time at shop.That Music Fidelity would be fine and so would Vincent.But why the 804S?Forget 683's unless your going to flip them sometime.For me the keepers (best value for dollar) were 805's and the 803N/S.803D's.802's and 801's weren't as great a value as 803.Could never get why folks would get 804.I would either save money on the 805's or spend $1500 more ($3.5K versus $5K) on 803's which were waaay better than 804's in depth,sound stage everything.That said me I would spend $3K on 803's and get a 200 wpc Int.But that's not your question.Both 805's and 804's did not have the nasty impedance swing of the lager speakers in 800 line and run nicely of 60 tubes and 100 better.The Vincent looks like a value and has power for 804 (and could probably handle 803 in smaller room if not driven to hard) but bear in mind B&W's are very easy speaker to match and warm to begin with so the benefit less from tubes than brands which do (they also handled Krell we sold really well.805/804sounded great with their 300i In at 150 wpc and had incredible bass.On some speakers like a Thiel Krell would make your ears bleed!).If your into vocal and acoustic mostly go Vincent if not go MF.Sounds like you haven't gotten speaker so go deep and find a used pair of 803S of recent vintage!
I hear alot about power with the B&W's but run my 802d just fine with a Cary Cinema 7B 100W/channel. I also use a Krell 400Xi with 200w but the cary is smoother and can carry them for reasonable levels.
I own a pair of the B&W 804S and I've listened to them with a wide variety of amps. IMHO, they sound their best with Krell - I own an S-300i - and Accuphase. A used Accuphase E-350 would be a great option for listening to jazz.
I hope this helps.

Good luck!