B & W Nautilus

Just curious does anyone have any personal feedback on the Nautilus 802, as I am looking for a second audio system for my weekend home. Also what would be good source(CD) and amplification(maybe electrocompaniet).

The reason I am interested in the 802 is I hopefully can get them for a reasonable price.

Thanks for any help/advice

It will depend upon where you're going to put them in the room. If you can put them at the small end, and use the long dimension to get back away from them, I think they will work fine. They will certainly be very powerful in that size space.

If you have to locate them on the long dimension wall, I think it will be more of a problem to get them to fill the room properly. But, most importantly to get the listening position back far enough for them to image properly. Of course, if you can use acoustic materials on the walls and floor to adjust the room response, you may be able to work with them on whichever wall works best for the room use.

Mine are setup in a room that is 17-feet wide by 24-feet long, and has a 12-foot vaulted ceiling. I am a bit constrained as to where I can put them in that space (believe it or not). I have them setup on the 24-foot wall and they are spaced about 9-feet apart, and about 18-inches from the wall. Listening position is 13-feet from the face of the speakers.

In my room, I have a rather large window directly across from the speakers (in back of me when I'm listening to them). The glass surface reflects a lot of midrange and treble, and you can hear a standing wave from the wall if you raise the volume to "live" level - even with classical music. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put heavy drapes on the windows. I have used mini-blinds and find that if I adjust the angle of the louvers upward and slightly open, they diffuse the sound somewhat and help break up the standing wave.

This is NOT an optimum setup - but, it works. In my estimation, optimum would be to have them about 12 feet apart and 2-feet from the back wall. I had to play with the positioning within the constraints of where I can put them. The biggest changes were made by moving them away from the wall and carefully working with toe-in.

I would suggest that you can make them work in your room - IF you are willing to work with the speakers and some acoustic materials. Even things like tapestries, rugs, and furniture placement can be used to adjust room acoustics, you'll just have to be aware that using the 802's probably won't be an out-of-the box, 1-shot setup.

If you are willing to work with the speakers, the space, and the electronics - you will be amply rewarded by the listening experience.
I would add one more thought. If you are using any manufacturers' pistonic motion type speaker, whether it's a Sonus Faber, Wilson, etc., - if they are of the same size and relative driver configuration as the 802 - you're going to have the same problems that you will have with the 802's for placement, imaging, etc.

If you change to a different type of speaker - like and electrostatic - you might be able to get them to work a bit easier within your space. That, however, is pure conjecture on my part.

Lastly, if the 802's don't work as you'd like, I'm sure selling them would not be much of a problem.
Thanks, I have the option to place them to wherever in the room needed, and any acoustic conditioning is fine as it will be purely a dedicated listening room.

Just I was worried about the space provided, I have mixed opinions on the effects of a room that small, some opinions vary from loss of bottom end extension which I lean towards, and others feel it will overpower the room and dull the mid to high end.

There are no windows or openings in the room other than a single door at one of the short ends. At the moment I have drapes all around the surrounding walls but I can play with how much they react to the speakers by adding or removing sections.

I have Quad electrostatics already in my permanent residence hence I would like something different for this home. Plus I may turn it into a HT setup, but I doubt that.

Thanks for your advice

I currently have the signature 805s driven by audioresearch VS110. I'm thinking about upgrading to 802s. I rarely listen at very high vol.. Do u guys think 110W of tubes is sufficient?
I'm really not familiar with the Audio Research amplifier. If it will produce also produce current (Amps) not just Watts, then yes it will drive the 802's. Be advised that although the speakers are nominally 8 Ohm loads, they will go under 4 Ohms at times depending upon the music being reproduced. Hence the need for an amplifier that will deliver current not just Watts.

I would think at moderate listening volumes most any amplifier would drive them just fine. What I noticed with the first amp I had, was that several crescendos in a row would tax the output stage.

The system never got harsh or distorted, but the bottom end would sort of just go away. The first crescendo would have slam to it, the second less so, the third even less. So the music depth got less and less until the music got back to "normal" level, at which point the amp could catch up and replenish the output capacitors. Your tube amp shouldn't have that problem.

You might want to consult the manufacturer or your owner's manual to see how the amplifier works with low Ohm loads. If it will drive a 2 Ohm load, I would think it would work fine.