B&W Nuatilus

I called B&W today and they told me they are going to replace the current nautilus series with a new series by the begining of the year. Does anybody know anything about this? What typically happen to the value of the nautilus series, once the new series hit the market, Does any body knows what is it going to Looks like?
I heard the new B & W diamond tweeter 800's and 802's at a show here in Seoul two weeks ago, and they were a big, big disappointment. The signature series 800's were much better.
Cheers Rondney01, Here's some more from a launch in China (I believe thats whwere it was) where the attenedees were given a limited edition B&W watch, they also have some pics of the book with dvd that accompanies the new range and a couple of pics under the banner of 802D but they are clearly 800's and appear be the new Sig800D (nice gloss finish) hooked up to Classe Delta range. It's all in Chinese so enjoy the pics.
Rockethouse, that new N800D sounded very colored and mushy. The diamond tweeter offered little to my ears. The tweeter in the previous line was fine as it was. the new one is supposed to go up to 50-60 khz, but it didn't seem to offer more than the previous line. The speakers were hooked up to the new Classe line, the same as your link above. I went into the next room and listened to the old S800 and they sounded much much better with a line of Esoteric gear that blew my socks off. The S800 is a wonderful speaker. I've been very impressed in general with the B&W S & N lines, but the new diamonds were less than scintillating. Perhaps it was because the new speakers weren't yet broken in or something, but the cabinet synergy and the over sound was weak and unimpressive.
Washline thanks, makes feel a little better hearing that as I purchased a pair of N800's just before the D series rumours started and when I heard rumblings that the differences were huge I was cursing that I did'nt wait that bit longer as common sense had told me that a new model could'nt be far away. That said I'm very happy with the 800's (still being run in)and have no plans to upgade.

Break-in could have something to do with what you heard but I would surprised if B&W did'nt do this before putting on a show. I'm interested in the electronics that were used on the Sig800's as next year I hope to upgrade my power amplification and I'm always curious about systems with good synergy...especially when they have 800's in them.

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