Bad experience with ZYX AIRY 3


The Airy 3 is very well rewiewed here in AUgon, in many other articles here and there on the web and seems to be much appreciated by a lot of audiophiles...
However did someone had himself a bad experience with this cartridge and for what reasons ?

I did have a bad experience with a ZYX Airy3...

I A/B'd it with a ZYX Universe, which replaced my Airy 3!

The Airy3 is a wonderful cartridge. You will be very happy with it. Mehran at Sorasound is the best!
Love my Airy 3S, loved the service from Mehran, love the performance it provides...

"this cartridge has problem at both frequency extrem"

Please could you describe exactly what kind of problem ?


I would like to know what frequency problems you are referring to as well.......... My system is as full range as most (20-22k) and I have not heard the problems you are mentioning. Is your system full range??

Their main problem: Too cheap!
I bet, when they would be distributed normally with the regular pricing they would get much more respect. See the Shelter story. Or the Koetsu hype. No one says it is the best in the world ( Zyx in general or the UNIverse ), but I can definetly say, there is much worse out there for much higher pricing. Raul is not mad about it, it is his opinion, I am not mad about Koestu's ( for example ), others are ....