Beginners Pre-amp

I'm in midst of changing things in my system and the next thing I want to try is a tubed pre-amp. I do plan to change my speakers to Paradigm S4 and would like to know which pre-amps would work. As for music it varies from Jazz(mostly) to live theater,dance,pop, etc...

My budget is at most 2500.00 new or used. I figured at that price point I can come away with something that I can live with for awhile and totally outclass the Pre-amp section of my receiver.

At that price point new I can come away with a BC21.1 as it allows me the options of the Shallco and a processor loop.

My questions are: What do the members here think of the BC?Will it work in my system. Is it a quite unit and and does it respond well to both tube rolling and PC upgrades.

Finally are there any others I should consider besides the VTL2.5/5.5. I know there's more but I drawing a blank.

For around $2K used you could probably find a Herron VTSP-1a, I have one and love it. It's reliable, low maintenance, fantastic sounding, and the quietest tubed preamp I've ever owned. You could do a lot worse, and you would have to spend a lot more to do much better. I will say that I've also heard rave reviews about the deHavilland UltraVerve, but I've never heard one. Good luck and happy listening!
Try one of Kavents preamps, sound as good as most that are two to three times there cost.. They are very impressive for the cost... If you end up spending over $2000.00 , go for the Modwright SWL 9.0SE for $2200.00..
Thanks guys for the suggestions. I'll look into the Herron and deHavilland see if I can use a HT processor with it.

The Modwright SWL9.0SE has what I need HT bypass so it's a contender.

As I was looking into the BlueCircle 21.1 how does that compare.
