Berning ZH-270 Replacement


I would value suggestions from anyone who has listened to the David Berning ZH-270 complete with the upgrades and who can advise on what integrateds if any they have heard that better it.

I am running Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers with a subwoofer.

Advice and recommendations welcome

I must digress, and I think I'll get alot of flack for this, but wrt to the ZH-270, I don't see what all the hubbub is (bub). I had one about 7 years ago, with the NOS tubes, and I felt that it sounded way too forward and aggressive. I heard it on multiple systems, four to be exact, and the sonic character was the same for all. I returned it to David Berning to make sure it was OK, and he said there was nothing wrong with it. I just don't get it. Several friends all had the same impression of the sound. Anyone here on Agon perceive it the same way?

In any case, since Sonus Faber speakers are on the warm side, it may match with them well.
Hi Chris

Just to clarify I already own an upgraded Berning ZH-270. I just wanted to see if there were any other better options to now consider.

Hi Barry, Better options? Not likely at anywhere near the price point but different options, yes of course. If you want to check out something different for the fun of it you could try a one of the switching (digital) amps or maybe a Chip amp or pure Class A SS? What you won't find find is the sound an OTL amp gives you, in that sense you have been spoiled already....much less having a ZH270 and not having to deal with all the limitations of conventional OTL amps!

Peter_s, there are too many variables to consider before determining why the ZH270 you previously owned did not perform satisfactory in your system. Cables, Feedback settings, room, associated equipment, ect..... You get the point :) Sometimes, its just difficult for hobbyists to adjust when they first hear a Berning ZH. Typically this is because they have lived for so long with conventional tube and/or solid state amplifiers both possessing various colorations they are taken back by the clarity and revealing nature of a Berning ZOTL amp. But, for those interested in hearing the soul, emotion and drive of the instruments and musicians contained within the recording, I can think of no better product to tell the story.

In the end though, it boils down to what sounds best to you in your system and suites your own personal tastes.

The Berning is not a true OTL amp.

Ralph Karsten provided an in depth explanation in a thread here a year or so ago. Search the archives for it.

That being said, the ZH-270 is a terrific product.
I had a ZH-270 that was mated to Chris Sommovigo's Stereolab Angelus speakers and it sounded terrific. I moved it and other componenets in my system to help come up with the down payment on a condo. Then the bottom fell out of the market and not long after I was out of work. I was able to get back on my feet quickly and found a Luxman L590 A II at almost half price.

In short, I don't miss the Berning and it makes a great combo with the Angelus speakers.