Best $4-7K speaker for HT and music?

Looking for a speaker set at $4-7K price point for use PRIMARILY in HT setup and SECONDARILY for music. Center channel is a separate budget. Seems to me the contenders are:

ProAc 2.8
Verity Fidelio (what to use for a center though?)
KEF 203 or 205
B&W 803
Audio Physic Virgo

Any comments?
I agree with Timo 100%, Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. They will give you huge spl's and stay audiophile all the way. I think they run about $6200.
AP virgos all the way bro. I picked up a pair on a'gon for $2200.00. You have plenty of dough left over for the center channel, too. Soundstage kings and accurate as heck.
I forgot to mention...WAF is hugely important. I think it might take Legacy out of the running.