Best Beethoven's 9th recording?

I want to get a better recording (on regular/hybrid CD) of Beethoven's 9th... Note: looking for great sound quality in a decent (or better) performance... not a mediocre recording of a great performance.

Any suggestions appreciated (ditto for the 5th).

All of these sound quite good, but the first three are recent recordings. All excellent performances.

Barenboim, Teldec
Wand, RCA
Norrington, Hanssler
Bohm, DG Eloquence
Fricsay, DG
Bernstein, DG
Many excellent suggestions above (especially Solti). Also:

1963 Karajan on DG (sounds very good on vinyl, still one of the greats).

For modern recordings, Mackerras, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Classics for Pleasure. Great recording, excellent sound.

Furtwangler, 1943 or 1944 recording, music and arts. mono and dynamics are not great,but oh the music! Try Barenboim's movie soundtrack of "Taking Sides", a movie about the de-nazification of Furtwangler, he uses Furtwangler's score and markings with exact phrasing and tempos that Furtwangler used, the timing is within 5 seconds of Furtwangler's. Absolutely stunning recording! Highly recommended!