Best Buy is going to sell vinyl records

Just stumbled on this info:
As a matter of fact the Best Buy stores had vinyl in it over 6 months ago before Christmas. Vintage Rock and some Hip Hop. Some 180 Gm. EVentually everyone will be carrying it again. A 70's revival is coming. At least as long as oil prices stay low. If oil prices go back to $4.00 per gallon or higher you may see a little less. Enjoy.
Acutally I think that it is a wonderful way to bring back awareness of what people thought as a "bad" or "old" method of recording. Which we all know is not nessiarly true! I welcome that best buy is bringing back vinyl! I however will most likely still have to personally search for the best pressings of the ones I'm going to spend some coin on!
Jwong, Best Buy is carrying new release vinyl. I bought the new Dylan, Morrison, Johnson and Krall from them. I have the Green Day and Deja Vu on order. It's not just reissues.

jwong...we're sorry we support vinyl, retailers and artists releasing new vinyl. we won't let it happen again.
Very,very limited selection. At least in the three local BB's I've visited - they probably don't stock even 75 titles in total - mostly new releases.The biggest problem is no dedicated LP browser boxes - the only place they can put LP's is on the top of their CD racks - makes it easy to find 'em and zip thru the selection - but this is a drop in the bucket.