best cd player for 2500- 3500

I am looking to get a really nice player. I was considering the krell kav 280. does anybody have any suggestions for me? thanks for your help.
A pre-owned Goldmund 39 DA++ will satisfy virtually all cognoscenti of high-end audio. You'll be astonished at how vividly the mid frequencies are portrayed -- as well as delineated. Distinctly demarcated voices and instruments add yet to the overall sonic beauty of this top-loading player.
I would go with a used Bow Tech ZZ8, great build and sound,
had mine for about a month so far and no regrets.
I would concur with the Bow ZZ-Eight. I borrowed one from a friend for a week and it was hard to give it back. I have heard the Levinson, but neither the Cary nor the Goldmund. The Levinson was good as I remember. Very detailed, rather than musical. I didn't fall in love with it, probably for that reason.
i agree with jman, the bow zz8 is the best 1 box player ive found so far, plus its fun to load cd like you would a turntable
I'd say Sim Audio Eclipse. I really love mine, and you can't beat the value of the Canadian dollar! ...If I had to pick something else I'd up my budget and get an Accuphase DP75v. If used is where you're looking then that Levinson 39 certainly isn't any slouch for the $.