Best CD player under 5000

I am in the process of replacing my 10year old phillips CD-80 with a new player. What are your recommendations I prefer tube but am looking at all. Thanks
It isnt funk or jive. It's Doug's own original method of annoying people. I've gotten used to it, so it doesnt bother me.

Interesting opinion Doug. I have listened to a lot of cd players and quite a few preamps, and come to the opposite conclusion. I'd rather hear a good $3000 to $5000 cd player through, for example, the op amp preamp of a NAD integrated than a $500 Cal changer or any other $500 player through a $5k preamp and $5k amp. I use a meridian 508.24, which I like a lot and would recommend for consideration in this thread, but it's discontinued. I also liked an expensive Linn model that I heard once and, though I generally don't like Sony anything, their xa7es (is that the right name?).

I think maybe you just prefer the sound of vinyl and that's your point. There's a world of difference in cd players.
While some folks are on the subject of Resolution Audio... I know I'm marching to the beat of a drummer's beat that most people won't hear but here's my next digital upgrade, nonetheless.

I have a Quantum DAC which gives the current Resolution products a run for their money even though it is based on the Ultra Analog chips (no longer around) rather than the Burr Brown's.

These can be had for less than a grand these days (originally sold for $3200). I plan to pick up a second Quantum and a Resolution Cesium transport and run in a balanced format. One DAC per channel. Takes lots of PC's since the Quantum has separate power supplies and cords for analogue and digital sections. Less than 3 grand and it slays.

Now I'll add that I am really re-focusing on analogue and my priority is upgrading my nearly new (but used) Oracle table to full Mk V specs and spending real money on a great cartridge.
I Love Viynl it cant be beat.But I can also appriciate what a good Cd player can do.
gregg, tanks for yer apology - it was unexpected & most appreciated. :>)

leafs, while i know i'm not the only one who thought a certain mr. eber could be uncivil at times, i don't condemn a product yust cuz some yerk thinks it's the holy grail. i've heard the cd-50 & i tink it's a nice player; lotsa other folks much more reasonable than a certain mr. eber *also* tink it's a benchmark at its price-point.

paul, i don't bother ewe any more? jeez, now isle have to come up w/someting else! damn!!! ;~)

paul & leafs, i *do* like winyl much better than cd. cd is ok, but i don't have the budget to pursue further improvements - at least i *tink* i don't: the alchemist & resolution audio players dint offer further improvements for me. but, i *am* all for improving the sound of my digital playback; tho i have less than 100 cd's, i tink the redbook cd format will be w/us a while longer, as the format wars continue. so, i am up for suggestions for a used cd system in the $1-1.5k range that y'all (or anyone else) tink mite give me better redbook cd sound.

regards, doug s.

Cary 303, but listen to resolution audio 55 and electrocompaniet to, for different takes on what you want. Theres no such thing as best at this level, just different. Depends what you want. I listen to classical (especially voice) acoustic, world music, and rock in that order. Would have been really happy with all of them. Went for the cary in the end and really pleased with it. Was going to build up my analogue collection but dont think i need to now.